Mower County Employees Credit Union

Banks and Credit Unions
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11AM - 5PM
Driving Directions:
You can find us in one of Austin's busy retail districts on the corner of 18th Ave NW and 21st Ave NW.
About Us
The Mower County Employees Credit Union was charted in 1961 as an exclusive benefit for employees of Mower County and their families. As a cooperative, owned entirely by our members, earnings are returned in the form of better rates, fewer fees and exceptional service. We envision our credit union to become our members' primary financial institution. Our employees and volunteers work hard to improve members’ savings; help them invest in their homes, businesses, and education; and secure a stronger financial future. We offer superior personal service to help members achieve their life goals by exceeding the members’ needs through the products and services we provide.